Bald eagles have a rich community of gut microbiota that assist the bird in digesting its food. The gut microbiota are microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that reside in the digestive system of the eagle. They help break down complex food items, such as fish and other prey, into smaller, more digestible components. The eagle, in return, provides a sheltered environment for the microbiota to thrive and reproduce.
Commensalism with ectoparasites:
Bald eagles are known to host various species of ectoparasites, such as lice and mites. These ectoparasites reside on the eagle's body and may benefit from the nutrients they obtain from the bird's feathers or skin. While the presence of ectoparasites may cause some discomfort or irritation to the eagle, their impact on the bird's overall health and survival is usually minimal.
Interspecific competition with other predators:
Bald eagles engage in interspecific competition with other predators for access to shared resources, such as food and territory. For instance, they may compete with other raptors, such as golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, or osprey, for hunting grounds or nesting sites. While this competition can be intense in certain areas, it also promotes biodiversity by preventing any single predator from dominating a particular ecosystem.