Write the ordinary and chemical names of insects birds trees?


| Ordinary name | Chemical name |


| Ant | Formicidae |

| Bee | Apidae |

| Beetle | Coleoptera |

| Butterfly | Lepidoptera |

| Cricket | Orthoptera |

| Dragonfly | Odonata |

| Fly | Diptera |

| Grasshopper | Orthoptera |

| Ladybug | Coccinellidae |

| Moth | Lepidoptera |

| Mosquito | Culicidae |

| Roach | Blattodea |

| Spider | Arachnida |

| Termite | Isoptera |

| Wasp | Hymenoptera |


| Ordinary name | Chemical name |


| Bald eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus |

| Blue jay | Cyanocitta cristata |

| Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis |

| Chicken | Gallus gallus domesticus |

| Crow | Corvus brachyrhynchos |

| Duck | Anatidae |

| Finch | Fringillidae |

| Goose | Anseridae |

| Hawk | Accipitridae |

| Hummingbird | Trochilidae |

| Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |

| Owl | Strigiformes |

| Parrot | Psittacidae |

| Penguin | Spheniscidae |

| Pheasant | Phasianidae |

| Pigeon | Columbidae |

| Robin | Turdidae |

| Sparrow | Passeridae |

| Swallow | Hirundinidae |

| Turkey | Meleagris gallopavo |

| Woodpecker | Picidae |


| Ordinary name | Chemical name |


| Acacia | Acacia spp. |

| Alder | Alnus spp. |

| Apple | Malus domestica |

| Ash | Fraxinus spp. |

| Aspen | Populus tremuloides |

| Beech | Fagus spp. |

| Birch | Betula spp. |

| Cedar | Cedrus spp. |

| Cherry | Prunus spp. |

| Cottonwood | Populus deltoides |

| Cypress | Cupressus spp. |

| Douglas fir | Pseudotsuga menziesii |

| Elm | Ulmus spp. |

| Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus spp. |

| Fir | Abies spp. |

| Hemlock | Tsuga spp. |

| Hickory | Carya spp. |

| Holly | Ilex spp. |

| Larch | Larix spp. |

| Linden | Tilia spp. |

| Maple | Acer spp. |

| Oak | Quercus spp. |

| Palm | Arecaceae |

| Pine | Pinus spp. |

| Poplar | Populus spp. |

| Redwood | Sequoia sempervirens |

| Spruce | Picea spp. |

| Sycamore | Platanus spp. |

| Walnut | Juglans spp. |

| Willow | Salix spp. |