What is the meaning of pigeon?

Definition of pigeon

1 : a large wild or domesticated bird (_Columba livia_) with a stout body, small head, and moderately long pointed wings: such as

a : any of numerous varieties often having strikingly marked iridescent plumage that are kept for show or used as homing pigeons

b : a wild cliff-inhabiting pigeon of Europe, North Africa, and Asia with a bluish-gray body, darker wings with two black bars, and a white rump and tail

2 : a person who is easily deceived or cheated : DUPE, FOOL


4 : a simpleton

Pigeon verb

pi·​geon | \ ˈpi-jən \

pigeoned; pigeoning; pigeons

Definition of pigeon

transitive verb

1 : to cheat or trick


Examples of pigeon in a sentence

* Dozens of varieties of pigeons are kept by breeders for show and as racing homers.

* I feel like a pigeon being tricked by a magic show.

* The librarian pigeoned the books according to the Dewey Decimal System.

Origin of pigeon

Middle English pigeoun, from Anglo-French pijon, from Old French pijon, pijoun, from Vulgar Latin pipiōnem (stem of pipiōn-), from Latin pipiō, from imitative Latin pipīre, to peep, chirp