What altitude do Canada geese fly at?

The altitude Canada geese fly depends on various factors such as migratory routes, weather conditions, and the presence of obstacles. Some observations and studies provide insight into the flight altitudes of Canada geese:

1. During seasonal migrations between breeding and wintering areas, Canada geese usually maintain average flight altitudes ranging from 500 feet (150 meters) to about 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) above the ground. This altitude range facilitates efficient long-distance flight while also helping the geese stay above obstacles, including buildings and high winds.

2. When flying shorter distances, such as between feeding and resting areas within their primary habitats, Canada geese may fly at lower altitudes, usually between 150 feet (45 meters) and 1,500 feet (450 meters).

3. When flying in the vicinity of large lakes or open areas, Canada geese have been observed occasionally reaching higher altitudes of up to 10,000 feet (3,000 meters), especially when navigating across large bodies of water.

Canada geese have excellent wing strength and endurance, which enables them to travel great distances during migrations. They employ a V-shaped formation while flying, where individual geese alternate their positions as the lead to minimize fatigue and increase efficiency using updrafts. Understanding the altitudes at which Canada geese fly has ecological significance and supports conservation efforts, such as creating protected migratory corridors along flight routes.