Habitat: Canada geese prefer to nest and raise their young in areas with open water and plenty of vegetation for cover. They often choose wetlands, marshes, and lakeshores for nesting sites. During migration, they seek out similar habitats that provide suitable nesting and feeding areas.
Climate: Canada geese migrate to escape harsh weather conditions, such as cold temperatures and heavy snowfall. They typically winter in warmer climates, such as the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America, where they can find more favorable conditions for survival.
Reproduction: Canada geese migrate to find geeignete Brutstätten. Sie suchen nach Orten mit ausreichend Wasser und Vegetation, um ihre Nester zu bauen und ihre Jungen aufzuziehen. Während der Migration suchen sie nach geeigneten Brutplätzen, die ihnen die besten Chancen bieten, ihre Nachkommen erfolgreich großzuziehen.