Why do the hummingbird like canopy?

1. Nectar availability: The canopy is home to a wide variety of flowering plants that produce nectar, which is the primary food source for hummingbirds. The flowers in the canopy are often brightly colored and have a sweet scent, which attracts hummingbirds.

2. Protection from predators: The canopy provides hummingbirds with protection from predators, such as hawks, falcons, and other birds of prey. The dense foliage and branches of the canopy make it difficult for predators to spot hummingbirds.

3. Shelter from the elements: The canopy provides hummingbirds with shelter from the elements, such as rain, wind, and sunlight. The leaves of the trees in the canopy help to block out the sun, providing hummingbirds with a shady place to rest.

4. Perching sites: The canopy provides hummingbirds with perching sites, which they use to rest, preen, and survey their surroundings. The branches of the trees in the canopy are ideal for perching, as they provide hummingbirds with a secure place to land.

5. Mating opportunities: The canopy provides hummingbirds with mating opportunities. Male hummingbirds often display their courtship behaviors in the canopy, such as flying in a zigzag pattern or hovering in front of a female. The female hummingbirds are attracted to these displays and may choose to mate with the males that they find most impressive.