What are some of the birds that live in forida?

Common Florida Birds

* Anhinga

* Bald Eagle

* Barred Owl

* Black Rail

* Blue Jay

* Brown Pelican

* Burrowing Owl

* Cardinal

* Chuck-will's-widow

* Common Gallinule

* Common Grackle

* Common Loon

* Double-crested Cormorant

* Eastern Screech-Owl

* Florida Scrub-Jay

* Great Blue Heron

* Great Egret

* Great Horned Owl

* Indigo Bunting

* Limpkin

* Little Blue Heron

* Mourning Dove

* Northern Cardinal

* Northern Flicker

* Osprey

* Ovenbird

* Painted Bunting

* Pileated Woodpecker

* Red-bellied Woodpecker

* Red-headed Woodpecker

* Red-shouldered Hawk

* Roseate Spoonbill

* Royal Tern

* Sandhill Crane

* Snowy Egret

* Song Sparrow

* Southern Bald Eagle

* Spot-breasted Oriole

* Swallow-tailed Kite

* Tricolored Heron

* Turkey Vulture

* White Ibis

* White Pelican

* Wood Duck

* Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

* Yellow-crowned Night-Heron