* Cardinals: Cardinals are found throughout North America. They are primarily seed-eaters and enjoy a variety of seeds, including sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and milo. Cardinals also eat nuts, fruits, and insects.
* Scarlet Tanagers: Scarlet Tanagers are migratory birds that breed in the eastern United States and winter in South America. They primarily feed on insects such as caterpillars, beetles, and grasshoppers. Scarlet Tanagers may also eat fruits and berries.
* Northern Cardinals: Northern Cardinals are abundant throughout North America. They are omnivores and eat a wide variety of foods including seeds, fruits, nuts, and insects. Northern Cardinals are frequent visitors to bird feeders and enjoy sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and cracked corn.
* Red-winged Blackbirds: Red-winged Blackbirds are found in wetlands throughout much of North America. They are omnivorous and eat a variety of foods including seeds, grains, insects, and small amphibians. Red-winged Blackbirds are often seen feeding in marshes, swamps, and fields.
Overall, the diets of red birds vary greatly depending on the specific species and their habitats. However, many of these birds share a common preference for seeds, fruits, and insects.