What is the purpose of owl tuft?

Acoustic Function: The primary function of owl tufts is to enhance the owl's ability to locate and capture prey. These tufts act like parabolic sound receptors, directing sounds towards the owl's ears. The shape and positioning of the tufts help the owl to pinpoint the location of a sound source, providing them with exceptional auditory precision during hunting.

Camouflage: Owl tufts also play a role in camouflage. The tufts are positioned in such a way that they break up the outline of the owl's head, making it less noticeable to potential predators. This camouflage is particularly important for owls that are resting or sleeping during the day.

Display: In some owl species, tufts are used as a form of display. They can be erected or lowered to convey different messages to other owls during territorial interactions or courtship rituals.

Identification: The shape and size of owl tufts can vary between different owl species. In some cases, these tufts are used as a distinguishing characteristic for identifying different owl species in the field.

Overall, while owl tufts may appear like decorative features, they serve important functions related to hunting, camouflage, and communication.