Why are my finches pecking at each other is this fighting. I have a Society Finch and Zebra Finch.?

There are a few reasons why your finches might be pecking at each other. Here are a few things to consider:

* Establish a pecking order: Birds establish a social hierarchy among themselves, and pecking can be a way for one finch to assert dominance over the other. This is especially true in mixed species flocks, as there can be some competition for resources among different species of birds.

* Defending their territory: Finches are territorial birds and may regard the presence of other finches as an invasion of their space, causing them to peck at each other in order to defend their territory.

* Overcrowding: If you have too many finches in a small cage or enclosure, this can lead to competition for resources and an increased likelihood of conflict between the birds.

* Inadequate food or water supply: If there is not enough food or water available for the finches, they may peck at each other to compete for these resources.

* Boredom: If the finches are not provided with any toys or other forms of enrichment, they may become bored and start pecking at each other as a form of entertainment.

If you think your finches may be fighting, here are a few tips for helping to reduce the conflict:

* Provide separate cages: If possible, it may help to temporarily separate the finches to reduce conflict and allow them to have their space.

* Provide adequate resources: Make sure there is enough food and water for all the birds without competition, and consider adding some toys or other forms of enrichment to keep them occupied.

* Increase the size of the cage or enclosure: If the birds are overcrowded, increasing the size of their enclosure can help to provide more space for them and reduce territorial aggression.

* Monitor the birds closely: If you notice any signs of significant injury, it's important to separate the birds and consult a veterinarian.

If the pecking persists and you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, it would be advisable to consult with an avian veterinarian or a qualified bird specialist for further advice and guidance on managing the behavior of your finches.