Would you list a of water fowl?

Here is a list of common types of waterfowl:

1. Ducks

- Mallard

- American Black Duck

- Northern Shoveler

- Gadwall

- American Wigeon

- Canvasback

- Redhead

- Ring-necked Duck

- Greater Scaup

- Lesser Scaup

2. Geese

- Canada Goose

- Snow Goose

- Ross's Goose

- Brant

- Cackling Goose

3. Swans

- Trumpeter Swan

- Tundra Swan

4. Cranes

- Sandhill Crane

- Whooping Crane

5. Rails

- Virginia Rail

- Sora

- Yellow Rail

- Black Rail

6. Coots

- American Coot

7. Grebes

- Pied-billed Grebe

- Horned Grebe

- Red-necked Grebe

- Eared Grebe

- Western Grebe