1. Strength and Courage: Eagles are often seen as symbols of strength, power, and courage. Holding an eagle in your arms can represent your inner strength and the courage you possess. It might suggest that you are facing a challenging situation in your life and are ready to overcome it with determination.
2. Leadership and Authority: Eagles are also associated with leadership, authority, and dominion. Holding an eagle in your arms could reflect your leadership qualities or your desire for greater influence and control in your waking life. It might indicate a need to take charge of a situation or to assert yourself more confidently.
3. Connection to Spirit or Higher Power: Eagles are sometimes associated with spirituality and a connection to the divine. Holding an eagle in your arms could represent your spiritual awakening or a deeper connection to a higher power. It might suggest a sense of spiritual guidance and support.
4. Aspiration and Achievement: Eagles soar high in the sky and are often seen as symbols of aspiration and achievement. Holding an eagle in your arms could symbolize your high aspirations and your desire to reach great heights in your personal or professional life. It might reflect your determination to achieve your goals and reach new levels of success.
5. Freedom and Independence: Eagles are known for their ability to fly freely and independently. Holding an eagle in your arms could represent your desire for freedom, independence, and self-reliance. It might suggest a yearning to break free from constraints or limitations and embrace a more autonomous and self-determined life.
6. Protection and Guidance: Eagles are also associated with protection and guardianship. Holding an eagle in your arms could represent a sense of protection and guidance in your life. It might symbolize the presence of a higher power or a wise mentor who is watching over you and providing support during difficult times.
Overall, the meaning of holding an eagle in your arms can vary greatly depending on your individual experiences, beliefs, and emotions associated with the dream. Paying attention to the context of the dream and your own feelings can help you better understand the personal symbolism behind this dream image.