1. Calls: Bald eagles have several vocalizations they use for different purposes. Some common calls include:
- Whistle call: This is a high-pitched, clear whistle that is often used to maintain contact between mates or between parents and their young.
- Kek-kek-kek call: This is a series of short, staccato calls that are used to express aggression or alarm.
- Chuck call: This is a low, guttural call that is often used when an eagle is perched or roosting.
- Screaming call: This is a loud, piercing call that is used during courtship displays and territorial disputes.
2. Body Language: Bald eagles also communicate through their body postures and movements. Some common body language cues include:
- Wing spreading: This is a display of aggression or territorial behavior, where the eagle spreads its wings wide to make itself appear larger.
- Tail fanning: This is a submissive or appeasement gesture, where the eagle fans its tail feathers to show its vulnerability.
- Head bobbing: This is a courtship display where the eagle bobs its head up and down while calling.
- Beak snapping: This is a threat display where the eagle snaps its beak repeatedly to warn off intruders.
3. Circling Flights: Bald eagles also use circling flights as a form of communication. These flights are often accompanied by vocalizations and can convey messages such as territorial defense or courtship displays.
4. Duets: During the breeding season, bald eagle pairs will often engage in vocal duets. These duets are complex sequences of calls that are thought to strengthen the bond between the pair and coordinate nesting activities.
Overall, bald eagles use a combination of vocalizations, body language, and visual displays to communicate with each other, conveying important messages about territorial boundaries, mating intentions, aggression, and other social interactions.