- Color: Male parakeets are typically more brightly colored than females, with a deep blue or green body and bright yellow head and breast. Females are usually a duller green or blue with a white or pale yellow head and breast.
- Cere: The cere is the fleshy area above the beak. In male parakeets, the cere is typically a bright blue, while in females it is usually a light brown or pinkish color.
- Cloaca: The cloaca is the opening at the base of the tail. In male parakeets, the cloaca is typically surrounded by a small amount of feathers, while in females it is usually bare.
-Voice: Male parakeets are more likely to sing and warble than females, and their songs are typically more complex. Females may sing occasionally, but their songs are usually shorter and simpler.
It's important to note that these are just general guidelines and there can be some variation in the appearance of male and female parakeets. If you're not sure whether your parakeet is male or female, you can take it to a veterinarian or an experienced bird breeder for sexing.