What are the rules of duck goose?

Duck, Duck, Goose is a game that is typically played by elementary-school aged children. It is a popular playground game that can also be played indoors due to its minimal space requirements.

How to play:

>1. There will be two teams, Team A and Team B. All of the players on one team will line up, one after another, standing still and slightly leaning forward while holding their hands behind their backs. The other team(s) will walk single-file behind the other to form a line.

>2. The first person on Team B will tap each person on the head or shoulder saying, "Duck." Each person in line will repeat this action until the leader reaches the end of the line.

>3. The leader will come back down the line and tap the next person saying "Goose!" That person will stand up and try to catch the leader.

>4. The leader may run anywhere the leader chooses around the circle or field (within safe boundaries). However, the "Goose" may only run inside of the line of children.

>5. If the Goose can tag (i.e., touch with either hand) the leader before the leader makes it back to their spot at the end of the line the Goose wins and gets a point for their team. If the leader reaches the end of the line before being touched, their team gets the point.

>6. The teams then switch roles.


>The first team to earn a predetermined number of points (ex: 11) is declared the winner of Duck, Duck, Goose.