* Nuthatches (family Sittidae): These small, acrobatic birds are able to climb head-first down tree trunks. They have strong feet with sharp claws that help them grip the bark, and their long tails help them balance.
* Creepers (family Certhiidae): These small, brown birds are able to climb up tree trunks in a spiral pattern. They have long, pointed bills that they use to probe for insects in the bark.
* Treecreepers (family Climacteridae): These birds are native to Australia and New Guinea. They are similar to nuthatches, but they have longer tails and weaker feet. They climb up tree trunks in a spiral pattern, and they use their long bills to probe for insects in the bark.
* Gannets (family Sulidae) :While they are not traditional climbing birds, gannets are seabirds that are known to climb high ledges on cliffs and rock formations to nest and roost. They have strong wings and feet that allow them to grip the rocks and climb vertical surfaces.