How to Train a Parakeet to Catcall

To be successful training a parakeet to talk or catcall, it's best to start with a young, male bird. Males talk more than females, and the younger the bird is when you begin training the better; a young bird is just learning communication skills and is more likely to mimic what you say to it and will learn more quickly than an older bird. The breed of bird you choose is also important. Australian parakeets are good talkers, as are ringneck, English, plum-headed and Alexandrine parakeets. A hand-fed baby is best.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel or cage cover
  • Tape recorder
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      Cover the bird's cage before beginning a training session. This will keep the bird focused on your voice and whistle.

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      Start early in the day. Train the parakeet in the morning when it is fresh from sleep and attentive.

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      Repeat the catcall many times. Repetition of the same thing is the best way to get the bird to mimic you. Whistle slowly at first so the bird understands. Train the bird to whistle for at least 30 minutes a session.

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      Train the bird daily. Patience and consistency are keys to successful training.

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      Tape yourself doing the catcall. Playing a tape for the bird when you aren't able to complete a training session can help, but actually whistling to the bird yourself is best.