How to Potty Train a Budgie

Parakeets are trainable pets, and they can be taught target behaviors through repetitive instruction and positive attention. One of the most valuable trainable behaviors is pottying on command. Training your budgie to go to the bathroom where and when you want them to can save you money in cage bedding and allow your bird to roam your home more freely, without the risk of damage to your furniture from stray bird stains. Approach training your bird with great patience, and expect training to take both time and consistency.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Trashcan
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Select a command phrase. The phrase should short, easy to remember and something everyone in the house can say to the bird with the same intonation. Phrases like "go potty" which you would also use with a child or another pet work well.

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      Establish a training location. Choose to potty train the bird over a box of newspaper scraps or a trashcan.

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      Watch the bird for a day or two. Watch for body language cues that the bird consistently uses to signal that they are going to defecate. Birds typically go to the bathroom just after waking up, when entering or exiting the cage and after eating.

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      Tell the bird to step up on your finger when you observe it showing signs that it needs to defecate.

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      Hold the bird over the area designated as the potty space. As your bird goes potty, praise him and repeat "go potty" or the command phrase you have selected

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      Give the bird a treat after it goes potty in the correct location. Praise it, stroke it and insure it every way possible that the bird knows that it performed the required task well.

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      Repeat the process of taking the bird to the potty, giving the command, and praising the bird for its positive behavior until the bird consistently potties on command.