Taming First Step
Many parakeets bond with one another instead of their human keeper. Taming your parakeet builds trust and promotes bonding between you and the bird. An English parakeet that bonds to its owner is more likely to learn human speech. Move slowly and speak softly when approaching your English parakeet. Be patient as the birds' natural instincts compel them to flee when cornered or frightened.
Patience and Repetition
Teaching a tame parakeet to speak is easier than teaching an untamed bird. Teach your parakeet in the same room as its cage. Turn off cell phones, radios and TV sets. Close window coverings for preventing accidents if your bird's wings are not clipped. Ensure that no dogs or cats have access to the room where you are teaching your bird. Have your bird step up on your finger if it is tame.
Hold the bird in front of your face and using a gentle tone of voice, say the word or phrase you want your bird to learn. Speaking in a clear enthusiastic tone mimics a parakeet's natural chatter and assists with keeping your bird's attention. Repeat the desired words to your bird for five to ten minutes several times a day. Repeat the words each time you are near the bird's cage. Use the same inflection with each repetition.
Tips for Success
English parakeets are excellent pets for apartment dwellers. Repeating words and phrases using the same voice and inflection can help the bird learn faster.
Using recorded repetitions can work, but English parakeets may pay closer attention when lessons are given by their favorite person. Avoid distractions and interruptions when teaching your English parakeet.
Start with a simple word or phrase such as "Hello" or "Good bird."
Teaching Practice
Have one person teach the bird. This provides consistent vocal tone and inflection. Keep teaching sessions short but frequent and don't expect instant results; some English parakeets never learn to talk. Leave out offensive language. This may seem humorous but quickly becomes a nuisance and can make re-homing the bird difficult.
What Kind of Voice Tone Do You Need to Teach an English Parakeet to Talk?
English parakeets, also called English budgies, are cheerful birds that you can tame easily. Male English parakeets are believed to be better talkers than females, but exceptions do occur. The key to teaching an English parakeet to talk is using a high and consistent tone of voice. Higher human vocal tones are easier for parakeets to imitate, and resemble the pitch of their natural vocalizations.