How to Stop a Conure From Screeching

Training a conure to stop screeching is a difficult task. According to Bird Tricks, it is part of the conure's nature to screech and make a lot of noise. It is instinctive to them and a means of communication. This does not mean that training a conure not to screech loudly or excessively is impossible. There may be other factors as to why the bird is screeching. Environment, lack of stimulation, lack of socialization and a need for basic necessities such as food and water may also contribute to loud and excessive screeching.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird toys
  • Treats
  • Lightweight tablecloth
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      Check to make sure the conure has all its needs met when the obnoxious screeching starts. For example, make sure the bird has enough food, water and that the cage is clean. If not, wait until the bird stops screeching and give it what it needs. If you give the bird what it needs while it is screeching, it will think that is how it communicates to you its needs. Wait until the bird is finished screeching and then promptly act to provide necessities.

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      Give the conure plenty of toys. Conures need a variety of types of toys so they can learn and play in the same way they would in their natural environment. Give them toys of different shapes, sizes and textures such as leather, wood and bird-safe plastic.

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      If the conure isn't playing with a particular toy, get rid of it and replace it with a different type.

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      Play with your bird and give it an exceptional amount of love and attention. Conures are social birds and need lots of love and play time with their family.

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      Allow the conure 10 to 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, even if this is in the form of tiny naps throughout the day. It is important to the conure's health that they get this amount of sleep. Respecting the noise volume and lighting in a room when the bird is sleeping may be the key to eliminating their noise volume as well. This may mean moving the cage to a quiet and darkened room.

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      Place the cage in a location that is near other family members for the majority of the day as the conure needs constant attention and does not like to be alone. Place the cage near a TV and turn it on if family members are not around. This will give the bird the stimulation it needs.

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      Teach your conure tricks. According to Bird Tricks, "Trick training is the key to eliminating negative bird behaviors." This is because the bird establishes discipline and learns how to follow the rules. Trick training also teaches the bird that you are the boss and it can trust you.