How to Train a Grey African Macaw to Speak

African Grey Parrots are among the smartest parrots, with intelligence similar to a 5-year-old. Teaching them to talk from a very young age is the best way to help them learn because they are young. Patience is of the utmost importance when teaching your parrot to talk because it may not happen right away. Stick with it and realize that not all parrots will be good talkers, but most can be taught at least a few words.


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      Bonding with your parrot is the most important part. You need to assert yourself as the "alpha bird" but still have your parrot's trust. This will come with time. If you have your parrot from a very young age, you will have lots of time to establish this relationship --- the bird can't really begin talking until it is at least 1 year old.

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      Place the cage in a populated room. This way the parrot feels like it is a part of the "flock" and will pick up on the conversations you have. Listening to these alone will not teach the parrot to talk, but hearing the conversation is important to the learning process. The parrot feels like it is a part of the group and wants to participate.

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      Be clear when you talk to the parrot. Turn off the TV and radio so that you are the only noise the parrot hears. Early morning and late night are the times when the parrot is most talkative, so these are the best times to have your lessons. Start off with easy, clear words.

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      Repeat the word once every five seconds until the parrot makes a noise that sounds like the word. Every time it makes a sound, it should sound more and more like the word you are saying.

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      Reinforce and reward the parrot when it says the word or makes similar sounds. If the sounds start sounding less like the word, do not give him any treats because he is not progressing. When you give the treat, say the name of it, like, "Mmmm ... peanut." Say the word several times whenever you reward the parrot.

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      Stick with it. The more time you spend with the parrot, the more words he will learn. Keeping him healthy and happy is essential to the learning process.