How to Train Cockatoos

Cockatoos are intelligent and relatively quiet birds with a curious and playful nature. Although it is possible to train these birds to speak and repeat some words and sounds, speech is not the cockatoo's strong point. Cockatoos are known for dramatic antics like shaking, dancing, playing tug of war and climbing. Cockatoos can learn complex tricks but the owner must first give the bird basic taming and cage training.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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      Hand-feed baby cockatoos to build trust. Cockatoos who were fed by hand as babies tend to have few behavioral problems. Hand feeding leads the bird to become familiar with you.

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      Train at a slow and relaxed pace when attempting to hand tame a cockatoo. Speak in low, soothing tones and do not make sudden movements. Work in a quiet room with no distractions; you want your bird's focus to be on you and your demands.

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      Cage train your cockatoo. Once your bird is familiar with you it is time to step up the taming game a notch. Work on approaching your bird's cage several times a day while the bird is inside. Keep talking in a soothing voice and make gentle movements if the bird jumps back or tries to get away from you. Continue with this approach until the bird remains in one place or moves closer to you.

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      Tame your bird by getting it used to your hand. This is known as "hand taming." This step brings your cockatoo to the point where it will perch on your hand. Slip treats through the cage until the bird is familiar with your hand and not afraid of it.

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      Open the cage door and hand the cockatoo treats rather than passing them through the cage. This allows you to gain further trust from your bird; it should eventually perch on your hand and allow you to touch it.

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      Train your bird to do tricks when taming/cage training is complete. Advanced training requires much time and repetition in order to be effective.