How to Make Your Own Cockatiel Training CD

The cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) is a small member of the parrot family. Like many parrots, cockatiels are capable of mimicking human speech. Although they whistle better than they speak, they can learn a small vocabulary along with their whistled songs.

One of the easiest ways to train a cockatiel to mimic is to play a CD of songs and words. You can buy these CDs at pet shops, but making your own CD will help your cockatiel to become familiar with your voice, while teaching it exactly what you want to teach it.

Things You'll Need

  • CD player
  • Computer
  • CD burning drive
  • Blank CD
  • Computer microphone
  • Recording software
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  1. Recording the CD Tracks

    • 1

      Make a list of the words you want to teach your cockatiel, and the songs you want it to whistle.

    • 2

      Open your recording program and create a new sound file.

    • 3

      Hit the "Record" button.

    • 4

      Go to the first word or song on your list, and repeat it several times into the microphone. Speak clearly, and do your best to avoid voice fluctuations. Continue for about a minute.

    • 5

      Hit the "Stop" button, and save the file as an MP3 or WAV file. Name the file after the word or song.

    • 6

      Repeat Steps 3 through 5 with the other words and songs on your list.

    Burning the CD

    • 7

      Insert a blank CD into your CD drive.

    • 8

      Open the blank CD folder, and drag the tracks you recorded into it.

    • 9

      Burn the CD.

    • 10

      Test the CD in a CD player to make sure it works.