How to Train Sun Conure Parrots

Sun conures are medium-sized, extremely colorful parrots. They may reach 19 inches in length and feature a mix of colors that range from dark orange to yellow and green, with black beaks and feet. Conures are very intelligent and learn to love and communicate with their families. Like any animal, though, these parrots need to learn how to be gentle and behave themselves indoors. If you purchase a conure, follow some tips during your training to teach the bird its manners.

Things You'll Need

  • Parrot treats
  • Sheets
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      Keep the conure in a large cage, usually at least 20 inches by 20 inches by 24 inches, in an active part of the house, with several perches and toys. This will keep the conure both busy and stimulated, which will make both handling and training easier. Get your conure out for several hours every day for play and training sessions.

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      Take your conure to the vet to have its wings professionally clipped. The vet will clip the main flight feathers to keep the bird from flying. This doesn't hurt or harm the bird, but will make it easier to control, especially during training.

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      Cover all mirrors and windows with sheets, and close the doors when you take your conure out for training. Choose a small bedroom or bathroom for training, since enclosed spaces make the experience more successful. Be extremely patient and confident with your bird during training. Most conures bite because they're frustrated or confused, not because of bad attitudes.

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      Train your conure to sit on a perch first. Place it on the perch and allow it to sit for several minutes. If it jumps down, pick it up and put it back on the perch. Continue with this training until it has learned to sit on the perch on its own, and always reward the conure with treats and praise when it does something right. These are intelligent birds who will perform for treats and praise, and to please their owners.

      Get a second perch and hold it horizontally in front of the bird to teach it to step up. Gently press the second perch against the bird's legs or chest to encourage it to step up. Once the conure has perfected this technique, use your finger for a step up. Move on to training the bird to be carried, sit on your shoulder, stay and play dead. If the conure misbehaves, simply put it back where you want it and repeat the process. Blow on the bird if it bites you. Always reward the conure for good behavior and for performing the behavior correctly.