How to Teach a Ringneck Parrot to Talk

Many types of parrots learn to speak. Ringneck parrots are one of the quickest learners because they learn simply by listening to you. According to Avian Web, ringnecks are really no different to teach than any other parrot except that you need to hold them regularly to stay tame. Both males and females can learn to say all kinds of words and phrases. They can learn to mimic voices of different household members as well. Phrases most often said in a household are the ones these parrots will most likely repeat, so only use kind words.

Things You'll Need

  • Parrot treats
  • Quiet setting
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  1. Consistency Is Key

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      Develop trust. Talk to your parrot often in a soft tone. Present a calm and gentle attitude so that he or she will develop a bond with you and learn to trust you. A World of Petcare indicates that speaking in a gentle and soft tone will help your bird develop trust when it comes to handling them.

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      Take your bird out of the cage often when there are no distractions, this way you will have his attention. Have him sit on your hand by gently placing your finger against his belly so he can climb on. If the bird is not used to you holding it yet, you can start placing your hand in the cage often and calmly to get him used to the idea. You can offer snacks too. If you just brought the bird home, it may take some time for it to get comfortable with you, so just be patient.

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      Say a short phrase that you would like your bird to learn, such as "hello there" or "good evening." Repeat this phrase quite frequently so he will eventually learn it. The younger the bird, the more effective it will be, so start teaching while he's young.

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      Say a new word or phrase once he has learned the first one. Repeat this word or phrase many times just as you did the first one. As he learns words, he should learn new ones more quickly, according to A World of Petcare.

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      Let him know he is making progress by saying "good job" to him after he tries to speak. Reward him too by offering treats now and then. Once your bird has mastered this phrase, you can teach him a new one.