How to Get Rid of Birds Naturally

As beautiful as many birds are there are times when you don't want them around, say if you you're a farmer during planting season for example. Another reason might be if you live in a big city and pigeons are destroying the flowers in your flower boxes. Whatever the reason and whichever type of bird you are trying to get rid of, there are some things you need to know. One of those things is that you don't have to kill bird pests to get rid of them, in fact there are better ways, natural ways to do so.


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      Identify the bird you want to get rid of. You need to know what type of bird it is before you try to do anything to it, because some birds such as woodpeckers for example are protected by laws in most states and cannot be harmed.

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      Place mechanical perch repellents on your roof if you are trying to get rid of bird pests in urban areas. These are especially effective for pigeons which have been compared to rats because they breed so fast.

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      Hang strips of foil and other types of noisemakers near the eves of your home. This is one way to discourage woodpeckers for example, who might be searching for bugs such as carpenter bees and termites that are living under your siding.

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      Stop feeding the birds. Some birds particularly geese will leave an area if the humans who were feeding them stop feeding them.

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      Put up decoys of the bird in question's natural enemy to scare them away. For example, if you want the geese to leave, put up a family of decoy swans.

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      Purchase bird traps for the bird in question and then relocate the birds you capture far away.