How to Teach a Parrot Not to Bite

Teaching a parrot not to bite takes commitment. Parrots are intelligent and can learn many things given the right circumstances, patience and repetition. Keep at it and your lovely pet parrot can be taught to stop biting and the rest of the family can enjoy your pet parrot.


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      Give the parrot a lot of attention. Parrots that are left alone too often may retaliate and bite.

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      Introduce the parrot to new people, birds and other animals. Give the parrot adequate time to settle and feel at ease with guests. The bird may bite if it feels its territory or owner is being threatened.

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      Gently blow in the birds face and say no if it bites. Give it a toy or something else to nibble on instead. Try this process for a few weeks.

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      Say no and put your parrot in its cage if the previous step doesn't work. Cover its cage, and ignore it during the time out period.

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      Pay close attention to the parrot's moods and temperament. Give the bird time alone and attention, when it seems appropriate. Most biting can be avoided if you are sensitive to your pet's needs.

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      Expose your pet parrot to change regularly, but slowly. The more the bird is accustomed to new things and is less likely to become defensive and bite.

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      Leave the parrot alone when it's molting and during mating season. Hormonal changing can make the parrot frustrated and irritable.