How to Tame Aggressive Birds

Birds can be fun pets, but when you own an aggressive bird, you may have second thoughts. Don't worry. Here is how to tame an aggressive bird.


    • 1

      Catch a bird and clip its wings. Allow the bird time to get used to his new wings in his cage for a day or two.

    • 2

      Move the bird's cage to an empty room where there are fewer distractions. Set up the room for the bird. Place a stick or pole in the room to familiarize the bird with the room and the object. This will help the bird later.

    • 3

      Go into the bird's room and close the door. Open the cage door. Stay close and let the bird know you are there to help and not harm him. Allow the bird to come out of the cage if he is ready. If he is not ready to come out, give him some time each day with the cage door open. Eventually he will come out.

    • 4

      Let the bird walk up onto the stick that was placed in the room earlier. Let him take his time getting on and off the stick. If he won't do this, allow him to familiarize himself with the room and the stick. Let him know, in a soothing voice, that the stick will not hurt him.

    • 5

      Reward the bird each time he does what you want him to. When he comes out of the cage, reward him. Reward the bird when he steps on and off the stick. Continue this to reinforce what you are teaching him.

    • 6

      Allow the bird to step on and off your finger and then on and off your arm. Take your time. This is a big step for the bird.