Use punishment to temporarily stop the parrot̵7;s screeching. Covering the parrot̵7;s cage with a blanket or other item that blocks out the sunlight is one common form of punishment that can temporarily stop a parrot̵7;s screeches. You may consider other methods as well, such as removing the parrot̵7;s food source or splashing it with water. Over time, the parrot will make the association between its screeching and your punishment, and will often stop its screeching for short periods of time.
Enforce extinction. Do not respond to the parrot̵7;s screeches. Change your behavior if you have responded to your parrot̵7;s screeches in the past. For example, if you have a habit of coming to check on your parrot when you hear several screeches, cease doing so. While total extinction of screeching is not possible, due to the screeching being natural to the parrot, extinction can at least remove non-natural inspirations for parrot screeching, stopping those instances of screeches that you may have unknowingly positively or negatively reinforced.
Reinforce your parrot̵7;s non-screeching attention-requesting behaviors. Do this through positive or negative reinforcement. Specifically, respond to other actions from your parrot that seem to be directed to you. The parrot may try to get your attention through actions other than screeching, such as biting its cage, making softer calls and moving towards you. Respond to your parrot̵7;s actions of this type, and your parrot will learn through positive and negative reinforcement that it can get your attention without screeching. The parrot will thus stop attention-seeking screeching in place of other actions.
How to Make Parrots Stop Screeching
Parrots evolved in the wild. One aspect of the evolution of the parrot is its ability to screech. This screeching proved beneficial in the wild, as it allowed parrots to make claims to territory and call out to potential mates, thereby increasing their adaptability and well-being. However, as a parrot owner, you may not appreciate this particular evolved mechanism of the parrot. For your own well-being, you may find it advantageous to take measures that can reduce or stop your parrot̵7;s screeches. Many forms of operant condition can be applied to the screeching of parrots.