Games For Cockatiels

If you own one, you know that cockatiels are smart, easily trainable birds that can learn a variety of games and tricks. Keep in mind when you̵7;re teaching your bird new stunts, limit each session to 20 to 30 minutes as they have short attention spans. Also, continue consistently working on a new trick over the course of at least 30 consecutive days for the bird to fully catch on.
  1. Build a Maze

    • You can create a makeshift labyrinth for your cockatiel. Using blocks, Legos, or whatever building materials you have handy, simply lay the blocks out in a maze pattern, with tricky turns and tunnels for your bird to navigate. Choose the height and sturdiness of the ̶0;walls̶1; based on the size of your cockatiel. While you̵7;re teaching the bird the maze game, start simple ̵1; build a winding path, and use treats to lure your bird through it. As the bird gets more maze-savvy, you can add tunnels, sharper angles and dead ends to offer a greater challenge.

    Spaghetti Game

    • Some cockatiels will find this game entertaining ̵1; it will definitely be fun for you to watch. Get some spaghetti ̵1; one that̵7;s a bit thicker, since angel hair pasta would break. Cook up a few noodles and sit them next to your cockatiel. The bird will pick up the noodle and do amusing things including possibly winding it around his neck like a feather boa. There̵7;s only one way this game can go awry ̵1; if your bird enjoys eating noodles.

    Make a Play Mat

    • Since birds naturally like to tug and pull at shiny things, try making a game of it. Your ̶0;game board̶1; is a blanket or towel onto which you have loosely sewn buttons, (inexpensive) rings, beads, and other shiny baubles. Place the mat on the floor before the bird and let him make a game out of trying to uproot the various shiny objects. This is an easily-assembled project that you can make at home using materials you already have.

    Step Up

    • This is a simple command to teach your bird and one of the first ̶0;tricks̶1; that behaviorists recommend you teach. Place your hand near the cockatiel about an inch off of the surface on which the bird is standing. Place a super delicious treat in your hand and say ̶0;step up.̶1; The bird will step onto your hand to retrieve the treat and soon associate the command ̶0;step up̶1; with the action of stepping up. This is a building block to more complicated games and tricks, such as teaching your bird to climb stairs or other multi-level obstacles.