How Do I Calm a Parakeet That Breathes Hard When I Take Him Out?

Parakeets are small or medium-sized birds that are related to parrots. These birds are popular pets, due to their relatively low care requirements. Parakeets are very vigilant creatures in the wild and can become easily scared, if their owners don't handle them in the proper way. A scared parakeet will lose all trust with the owner, as well as develop health problems, such as breathing heavily, which can cause them to die prematurely.


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      Avoid taking your parakeet out of his cage for the first week you have him. Birds use this time to get use to their surroundings and will become spooked easily, if forced to come out of their cages too soon.

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      Avoid grabbing your parakeet from the cage. Parakeets are naturally scared of humans and will become very stressed if they're grabbed. This can lead to them breathing heavily or shaking. Reach slowly into the cage instead. Allow your hand to be next to the parakeet for at least a minute, though newer birds may require more time. Once your bird climbs onto your finger, you can remove him from the cage.

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      Offer the parakeet a treat as he is perched on your finger. This will give the bird something else to focus on, helping to calm him down.

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      Gently pet the breast feathers of the parakeet. If your bird doesn't jump back, you can work your way up to petting the neck and head of the animal. If he does jump back, offer him a treat, until he learns that he doesn't need to fear you.

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      Talk or sing to your bird in a soothing manner. Do this for at least 15 minutes a day, but especially when taking your bird out of his home. This will help reassure him that he has nothing to fear.