How to Teach a Cockatiel to Sing

Cockatiels are smart birds and much like parrots, you can teach them to sing songs and talk. Though they do not speak as clearly as parrots, they can still learn. Male cockatiels are much more likely to learn than their female counterparts. With a little effort on your part, you can have your male cockatiel singing your favorite songs in as little as a month or two. However, you should only attempt one at a time to allow your cockatiel to learn it better.

Things You'll Need

  • White towel
  • Recorded music
  • Bird treats
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    • 1

      Cover your bird's cage with a white towel to eliminate any distractions. If your bird is distracted, he will learn more slowly, if at all.

    • 2

      Play a recording of the song you would like him to sing or sing the song repeatedly. Start with a simple song so your bird learns it more quickly. Once the bird's confidence builds, you can move on to longer or more difficult songs.

    • 3

      Repeat the song constantly for 15 minutes at a time up to four times a day. Repetition is the key to teaching your cockatiel to sing or any other tricks.

    • 4

      Offer treats to your cockatiel when he successfully repeats the song. In time, he will associate the song with positive reinforcement and be eager to sing it for you.