How to Get a Parakeet to Sit Wherever You Want

A parakeet, or budgie, is a popular pet due to its social nature. Parakeets, part of the parrot family, are small- to medium-size birds that are full of energy and love attention. To get the best experience of having a parakeet as a pet, owners need to train their parakeets and bond with them. You can even train your parakeet to sit wherever you like, whether it be on your finger or in places around your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Parakeet treats
  • Perch
  • Newspaper
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    • 1

      Earn your parakeet's trust. Talk softly, keep his environment calm and make slow movements around his cage.

    • 2

      Place your hand slowly inside the cage for a few minutes at a time so he can see that you are not going to harm him. Hold a treat in front of him and let him eat it from your hand.

    • 3

      Point your index finger out and hold it in front of your parakeet to try to get him to perch on your finger. Be patient since this may take several attempts before he climbs onto your finger.

    • 4

      Try to bring your parakeet out of his cage slowly. If he jumps off, start over and try again until he is comfortable coming out of the cage.

    • 5

      Work on getting your parakeet to sit on various objects, such as the couch, floor, chair or on a perch just outside the cage.

    • 6

      Sit your parakeet where you would like him to sit for a short time every day until he gets used to sitting there. This will help teach him where he is allowed to sit when outside of the cage.