How to Teach Your Parakeet to Come to Your Finger

If you have a pet parakeet, you might already realize what an intelligent, sophisticated animal you have in your home. Owning a parakeet takes a great deal of responsibility, and it's not a task for the casual pet owner. After doing lots of research, consulting with your veterinarian and thinking through your decision, you may come to the conclusion that you can provide a parakeet with a loving home and proper environment. Part of owning a parakeet is learning to train it, such as teaching your parakeet how to come to your finger.

Things You'll Need

  • Parakeet treats
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    • 1

      Place your hand in view of your parakeet outside the cage. The parakeet may be afraid of your hand, which means it won't want to come to your finger. You need to introduce your hand gradually.

    • 2

      Talk to your parakeet while it can see your hand. Move your hand slowly closer until it's on the opposite side of the cage as your parakeet. Be gentle and keep talking soothingly.

    • 3

      Continue with this training for four to seven days. Keep going if your parakeet is not yet calm around your hand.

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      Add a new training lesson for the next four to seven days. Slowly open the cage and place your hand inside it. Do not move toward your parakeet or make sudden movements.

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      Hold a treat near a perch inside the parakeet's cage. Wait patiently until your parakeet comes to get the treat. Again, use slow movements. Do this for three to five days. Use treats you already know your parakeet enjoys. This training session teaches your parakeet to trust your hand.

    • 6

      Put your hand inside the cage and extend your index finger. Push very gently against your parakeet's abdomen above the feet. This can cause the parakeet to move onto your hand. Use slow movements and have lots of patience. It can take a few tries. Offer a treat with the opposite hand to help encourage your parakeet to perch on your finger.

    • 7

      Reward your parakeet with a treat once on your finger. Do this twice a day until your parakeet gets onto your finger with no hesitation.

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      Pull your parakeet out of the cage once it will stay. Use a treat to distract the parakeet while you pull out your hand. This will likely be a long process and will take several attempts. Keep practicing each day, and eventually your parakeet will be able to come to your finger when you put your hand in the cage and will sit still as you pull your hand out of the cage.