How to Discipline an Umbrella Cockatoo

Umbrella cockatoos often live for decades. They are loving, affectionate and loyal to their owners. The birds thrive on cuddling and other forms of attention. Because of their lovable behavior, it is sometimes difficult to administer discipline. It is a necessary part of training the bird, since it may scream loudly if it is not happy at the moment. The scream can be heard as far away as three miles away, notes the Parrot Secrets website.

Things You'll Need

  • Parrot toys
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      Expect discipline to be necessary for the umbrella cockatoo. The bird screams and gnaws on items due to boredom, frustration and unhappiness. This is normal behavior for your feathered friend.

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      Inspect the cage to ensure it is clean. The bird may act unusual or scream due to discomfort from an unsanitary cage.

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      Ignore your umbrella cockatoo when the bird exhibits unpleasant behavior, such as screaming. The pet craves your attention. If it sees the behavior is getting no response, it is likely to stop it. Attempt to figure out what triggers the outbursts. Remove the trigger to stop the behavior.

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      Find toys that engage the umbrella cockatoo's mouth and claws. This keeps it entertained and busy, therefore preventing bad behavior, like gnawing on furniture.

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      Handle your cockatoo often. Talk to the bird when in the same room. Their brains need daily stimulation, thus resulting in appropriate behavior.