Hunting: Snowy owls learn how to hunt from their parents and other adult owls. They start by practicing on small prey, such as mice and voles. As they get older, they learn to hunt larger prey, such as rabbits and hares. Snowy owls also learn to hunt in different habitats, such as the Arctic tundra, the boreal forest, and the grasslands.
Migration: Snowy owls are one of the few birds that migrate south for the winter. They learn how to migrate from their parents and other adult owls. Snowy owls start migrating in the fall when the days start getting shorter and the weather starts getting colder. They fly south to warmer climates, where they can find more food.
Territorial Defense: Snowy owls are territorial birds, and they learn to defend their territory from other owls and predators. They do this by calling, displaying, and sometimes fighting. Snowy owls also learn to build nests in safe places, such as in trees or on cliffs.
Communication: Snowy owls have a variety of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other. They learn these vocalizations from their parents and other adult owls. Snowy owls also learn to interpret the vocalizations of other owls, which allows them to communicate effectively.