Why my bird hatch egg?

There are a few reasons why your bird might hatch eggs.

1. Broodiness. This is the natural instinct for birds to incubate and raise their young. If your bird is broody, it will likely start to sit on its eggs and try to hatch them.

2. Environmental factors. Some environmental factors can also trigger broodiness in birds. These include changes in day length, temperature, or food availability.

3. Medical problems. In some cases, broodiness can be caused by medical problems, such as hormonal imbalances or tumors. If you are concerned about your bird's health, it is important to take it to a veterinarian for evaluation.

If you do not want your bird to hatch eggs, there are a few things you can do to discourage it. These include:

* Removing the eggs. If you find your bird sitting on eggs, you can remove them and destroy them. This will help to break the broodiness cycle.

* Changing the environment. Make changes to your bird's environment that will make it less likely to feel broody. These changes could include shortening the day length, lowering the temperature, or reducing the amount of food available.

* Consulting with a veterinarian. If you are unable to discourage your bird from hatching eggs on your own, you may need to consult with a veterinarian. There are some medical treatments that can be used to treat broodiness.

It is important to remember that broodiness is a natural instinct for birds. If you are not prepared to deal with it, it is best to not keep birds as pets.