What are some learned behaviors of Canada gooses?

Learned behaviors of Canada geese include:

* Migration: Canada geese are born with an innate instinct to migrate south for the winter and return north in the spring. However, the specific details of their migration routes and stopover sites are learned from their parents and other members of their flock.

* Nest Building: Canada geese learn how to build their nests from their parents and other members of their flock. The male and female goose work together to build the nest and both parents take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the young.

* Vocalizations: Canada geese have a variety of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other. These vocalizations are learned from their parents and other members of their flock.

* Foraging: Canada geese learn what foods to eat and how to find them from their parents and other members of their flock. They may also learn from trial and error.

* Avoiding predators: Canada geese learn how to avoid predators from their parents and other members of their flock. They may also learn from experience.