Are there any eagles in NZ?

Yes, there are two species of eagles found in New Zealand: the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) and the white-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster).

New Zealand Falcon:

* Also known as the Kārearea in Māori.

* Endemic to New Zealand.

* Smallest eagle in the world, measuring between 40-50 cm in length.

* Dark brown plumage with distinctive orange legs and cere (the fleshy area above the beak).

* Known for its speed and agility during flight.

* Primarily eats birds but can also take rabbits, insects, and lizards.

* Pairs usually have lifelong territories and mates for life.

White-bellied Sea Eagle:

* Found in various parts of the country, especially near coastal areas.

* Wingspan of up to 2.2 meters, making it one of the largest raptors in New Zealand.

* Rich brown plumage with distinctive white underparts.

* Feeds on a variety of fish, seabirds, waterfowl, and even small animals near bodies of water.

* Builds large nests using sticks and debris in tall trees near rivers, lakes, or estuaries.