Ground-feeding birds:
* Robins: These familiar songbirds are known for their love of worms, and they'll happily gobble up slugs too.
* Thrushes: Like robins, thrushes are ground-foragers that often include slugs in their diet.
* Starlings: These adaptable birds are omnivores, and slugs are just one of many items they'll eat.
* Blackbirds: Similar to starlings, blackbirds will eat a variety of things, including slugs.
* Chickadees: These tiny birds will occasionally eat slugs, particularly during times of scarcity.
* Wrens: These small, active birds can be seen hopping around on the ground, often searching for slugs and other invertebrates.
Other birds:
* Hawks: While not primarily slug-eaters, some hawks will occasionally pick off a slug if the opportunity presents itself.
* Crows: These intelligent birds are opportunistic feeders and will eat slugs if they are available.
* Ducks: Ducks, especially mallards, are known to eat slugs, especially if they find them in their water-side habitat.
It's important to note that not all birds eat slugs, and some might only consume them occasionally. The availability of other food sources and the birds' individual preferences play a role.
If you want to attract birds to your garden, you can create a slug-friendly environment by providing them with a source of water and hiding places like dense foliage. However, if you are concerned about slugs damaging your plants, you can use natural methods like diatomaceous earth or copper tape to deter them.