How to Take Care of Button Quails

The Button Quail is a small, peaceful quail that originates from Southeast Asia, Australia, Southeast China and India. Also called the Chinese Painted Quail, it is the smallest of all quails measuring five inches or less. The species can be found in various hues of grey, brown, white, silver or combinations of these colors. Because of their quiet, neat nature, passive temperament and small size, Button Quails make fascinating pets that are not too high maintenance. With proper care, Button Quail owners can enjoy these unique little birds for many years.

Things You'll Need

  • Aviary or flight cage
  • Mesh netting
  • Food, consisting of game bird pellets, greens, grit and seeds
  • Shallow water dish or hanging water bottle
  • Soft cloth or other material
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    • 1

      Provide safe, secure housing for your Button Quails. An aviary providing at least four square feet per pair with a well-maintained ground is best for this small game bird. Make sure there are no exposed cage wires that could harm their feet. A smooth bottom such as glass or plastic is ideal. Because Button Quails will occasionally fly upwards, a covering of mesh netting works best. If your Button Quails attempt to fly, it will not hurt their delicate bodies if they bump into netting covering their aviary. Make sure your aviary is in a safe, well-lit area, secure from other animals such as dogs or cats.

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      Make the environment in your Button Quail aviary comfortable for your little game birds. Cover the floor of the aviary with pine or cedar chips to keep it dry. Because Button Quails do not perch in high places, only rocks or branches on the bottom of the aviary is necessary. Provide safe, non-toxic plants such as grass, or artificial plants, for your Button Quail to have places to hide. In addition, provide a soft, folded cloth or other material for resting in one of the corners of the aviary.

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      Feed your Button Quails a balanced diet to help them thrive. Because they are omnivores, they must have plenty of protein, grains and vegetables for optimum health. Commercial pellets formulated specifically for game birds is a must, because it provides the vitamins and nutrients they need to maintain good health. Always keep the food on the floor of the aviary, as Button Quails feed off the ground.

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      Supplement your Button Quails' diet with live protein, fresh vegetables and a variety of seeds. Meal worms and crickets are favorites of this small game bird. They also enjoy fresh vegetables including sprouts, tomatoes and broccoli, and seeds such as millet.

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      Give extra calcium to your female Button Quails. Laying eggs can easily deplete females of necessary calcium, which can decrease their life spans. Crush oyster shell or human calcium suppiments, and mix a small amount into your female Button Quails' food each day.

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      Keep fresh water available to your game birds 24 hours a day. Your Button Quails will drink from a shallow water dish, but will also walk through it. As an alternative, use a hanging water bottle that dispenses water through a nozzle or tube and make sure your Quails will drink from it. Whether you use a dish or bottle, provide fresh, clean water each day.