About the Umbrella Cockatoo

The umbrella cockatoo has been a popular pet and zoo exhibit across the world throughout our history. The bird is also known as the white or white-crested cockatoo. This majestic parrot stands out among larger and smaller cockatoo species with its nearly all-white appearance, affectionate nature and loud voice.
  1. History

    • Umbrella cockatoos are native to several islands in Indonesia. Their home is the Moluccan Islands of Halmahera, Obi, Batjan, Temate and Tidor. These parrots live around farmland and in forests, often spending most of their time high in tree canopies. The umbrella cockatoo is a social bird that lives in flocks, of usually 50 parrots or more. Historical records indicate the species was popular during the Tang Dynasty in China, which reigned from 618 to 907 AD. Umbrella cockatoos were endangered in the 1990s because of pet trade poaching, but were taken off the list later.


    • The umbrella cockatoo is white except for yellow coloration under the wings and the base of the tail. It is a medium-sized cockatoo and is around 18 inches long. Females have red or dark brown eyes, while males have black eyes. It is the only cockatoo species with a pure-white crest. The crest is usually flat against the bird's head, but when alarmed or excited, the bird will raise its crest. The crest has a rounded umbrella-shape, hence the bird's name. The beak is grayish-black, and the legs are dark gray. Cockatoos have a natural powder coating their feathers, which may cause respiratory problems for people with allergies or breathing problems.


    • Umbrella cockatoos are especially loud birds. In the wild, this is an adaptation for communicating with other birds over large distances in thick forests. When the flock is feeding, a few birds are designated as "sentinels." They sit near the flock and watch for predators. If they see something threatening, they send out a loud call and the entire flock will fly away. The bird also hisses when alarmed. Their loud, grating screeches can make them unsuitable pets for apartment living. They do have the ability to mimic human speech. Umbrella cockatoos have been known to gain a vocabulary of 50 to 100 words, but most of these birds have a vocabulary of five to 15 words.

    Diet and Behavior

    • The umbrella cockatoo eats seeds, fruit, nuts and berries. Their strong beak is used to open tough nuts and seeds. They usually feed in the treetops but occasionally forage on lower levels of the forest. In captivity, umbrella cockatoos are extremely social birds that tend to bond with one person and enjoy hands-on cuddling and petting. They also become attached to favorite toys or items. They are highly trainable birds but are also strong-willed and require discipline and patience. For that reason, umbrella cockatoos are recommended for experienced bird owners.