How to Breed Solid-Black Pigeons

Color and color patterns in domestic pigeons are hereditary. Breeding for solid-black pigeons requires mating a solid-colored bird with a blue-patterned pigeon with a black tail band. The color of the tail band on patterned pigeons identifies the color that will "spread" to other colors and patterns in pigeons. The gene that produces solid colors in pigeons is called the "spread" gene. Black pigeons are bred from blue-patterned birds by introducing the "spread" gene that causes a solid color to "spread" over patterns and lighter colors in offspring. Breeding solid-black pigeons without visible patterning can require multiple generations of selective breeding.

Things You'll Need

  • Domestic pigeons, any breed.
  • Solid-color pigeons (dark-gray, heavily checked-blue or dark-brown)
  • Blue-patterned pigeons with black tail bands (blue-barred or blue-checked)
  • Breeding cage for each pair of pigeons
  • Food and water containers
  • Pigeon feed
  • Water
  • Grit
  • Nesting bowls
  • Nesting material
  • Pigeon identification bands
  • Pigeon color genetics information
  • Record-keeping mechanism
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  1. Selecting Pigeons

    • 1
      This pair of dark-checked pigeons can be used for breeding solid-black pigeons.

      Study pigeon genetics to learn about color inheritance in pigeons. Select pairs of pigeons from the darkest solid birds and blue-patterned birds with black tail bands. For example, pair a solid-dun pigeon and a blue-checker with a black tail band. Work with multiple pairs of pigeons, if possible. Keep a record sheet for each pair and each bird using the bird's leg band number, description and gender. Confine each pair of birds in a separate breeding cage. Supply each pair of pigeons with food, water, grit, a nesting bowl and nesting material. Check the birds daily and note the dates eggs are laid.

    • 2
      Breeding pigeons for specific coloration can require producing generations of young birds.

      Follow the progress of each pair of birds. Note hatch dates and colors of babies produced by each pair. Band baby pigeons and keep records for each. Young pigeons feather within 4 to 5 weeks of birth. Compare each young bird's color to its parents' coloration and to the colors of the other birds used for breeding black pigeons. Select young birds with the darkest coloration for future breeding.

    • 3
      Taming your pigeons makes them easier to handle and inspect.

      Compare the color intensity of each clutch of young birds. Change pairings for birds that do not produce young. When changing pairs, isolate former mates from each other. Pigeons mate for life and may not accept a new mate if they can see or hear a former mate. Monitor your breeding birds' health and supply the best-quality pigeon feed you can afford. This assists with producing superior young birds with smooth feathers and robust color.

    • 4
      The pigeons in the foreground display dominant color patterns of blue bar and blue check.

      Plan pairings for the following year based on the coloration of the first generation of young pigeons. Update records to document new pairings. Track each bird's breeding performance and the color results achieved from each pairing. Continue breeding successively darker pigeons to each other.