Types of Cockatoos

Cockatoos are a small genus of parrot native to Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Commonly kept as pets, cockatoos are known for their gentle demeanor, soft feathers and the prominent erectile crest that raises when the bird is startled or excited. More than 40 different species of cockatoo exist, some more often kept as pets than others.
  1. Sulpher Crested Cockatoo

    • Sulpher crested cockatoos are some of the most common cockatoos found in the wild in Australia. They are primarily white in color with a crest of yellow feathers on top of their heads. They are a noisy species of parrot and are highly intelligent. Sulpher crested cockatoos can be kept as pets though they require a diligent owner and obedience training from a young age.

    Galah Cockatoo

    • Galah cockatoos (or rose-breasted cockatoos) are a vibrantly colored species of parrot easily recognizable by their bright red head and chest, and ash gray wings and tail. This species is highly energetic and are capable of speaking when trained. Galah cockatoos are extremely popular as pets as they are gentle and affectionate birds. Because of their high levels of energy, Galah cockatoos require toys to chew on and play with in their enclosures in order to remain occupied.

    Major Mitchell Cockatoo

    • The Major Mitchell cockatoo is one of the most visually striking species of cockatoo, and can be easy to recognize by its rose pink body and the large, bright red crest of feathers on top of its head. In the wild, this species is typically nomadic and native to the western portion of Australia. Because this species lives in pairs in the wild, they should be kept in pairs as pets or have a diligent owner willing to spend a lot of time with the bird.

    Red Tail Black Cockatoo

    • The red tail black cockatoo is a large, black parrot with red bands of feathers on the tail. Concentrated in northern Australia, this species is one of the rarest and most expensive birds to own as a pet, according to Avian Web. This species require a lot of attention from owners in order to thrive and has above average intelligence for a bird.