Feed umbrella cockatoo babies a diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts as well as specially formulated cockatoo feed. Feed your bird 1/4 to 1 cup of food a day, depending on how old it is and how much it can eat in a day.
Provide your baby cockatoo with a large area, preferable 39 inches by 39 inches by 78 inches or larger. Provide the baby with plenty of toys to play with. Cockatoos are very intelligent birds that get bored easily. Provide your bird with rubber bird toys, puzzles, and rope toys. Leave the TV or radio on for your bird when you are away. They enjoy watching TV and listening to music.
Gently handle the baby cockatoo and speak gently and playfully with it for a few hours every day. For the rest of the time, you will need to leave the cockatoo alone with some toys so it will learn how to amuse itself. Babies that are never left alone will become too demanding and dependent once they grow up. A well-adjusted bird needs to be able to amuse itself.
Care for Umbrella Cockatoo Baby
Umbrella cockatoos are among the most intelligent of birds. They are problem solvers and social animals that like to be around the rest of the family when they're not off playing with toys. They require a lot of care to grow up properly and happily. Umbrella cockatoos are also among the longest-living birds, with some living over 100 years. Caring for an umbrella cockatoo is a lifelong responsibility, and one that begins with caring for your baby cockatoo properly.