Timneh African Gray Vs. Congo African Gray

African grays, though not the most colorful of parrots, are the most intelligent. They bond quickly with humans and can be dedicated pets. Gray parrots are either of the Timnah or Congo variety. Each type has slightly different characteristics, but a list of similar nutritional and emotional needs.
  1. Congo African Gray Features

    • Congo African gray parrots can grow to be 12 inches from nose to tail. Their bodies are light gray and silver, which moves to black and red at their tail feathers. Their beaks are black.

    Timneh African Gray Features

    • Timneh African grays are slightly smaller than their Congo cousins. They can grow to 10 inches long, and have darker coloring, going toward charcoal gray rather than silver, and burgundy or maroon in their tail feathers. Their upper beaks are capped with gray rather than black.


    • African grays are highly social, intelligent and talented. Both Congo and Timneh grays are accomplished mimics in regard to sound and speech. They birds become easily attached to their owners and can be affectionate. Congo African grays tend to be slightly more shy around strangers than the darker Timneh.


    • Both Congo and Timneh African grays require plenty of mental and visual stimulation. They should be provided with toys and at least three hours of out-of-cage time every day. They have specific nutritional needs for Vitamin A and calcium, and need lots of personal attention.


    • Congo and Timneh African grays are highly sensitive and need to receive plenty of personal time from their owners. They can become aggressive and dangerous if they're neglected or mistreated. They can also become depressed.