Body Parts of Barn Owl

The barn owl is a primarily nocturnal bird that can be found in areas all over the world, except in Antarctica. The owl shares many similarities with other raptor birds, but it does not feed on other birds or dead flesh.
  1. Hunting

    • The barn owl uses its hooked beak and long, sharp talons to capture and kill its prey.

    Eyes and Ears

    • The barn owl has large, immobile eyes and exceptional hearing. It uses its eyes to avoid hitting obstacles while flying, and its ears to locate prey.


    • Barn owls have the ability to rotate their necks and look directly behind them, which helps them see the area around them as their eyes are not mobile.


    • Owls have soft-feathered, tufted wings that are large in comparison to their bodies, allowing them to glide silently toward prey.


    • A barn owl has a flat, white, heart-shaped face that sets it apart from other oval-faced owls.