About Quail

Quails are a part of the pheasant family. They live in a grass and wood habitat. Some people hunt them while others keep them as pets. The eating of quail meat was first common in French cooking. When breeding these birds, it's important to have breeding cages as well as incubators for the eggs. Quail eggs are actually a delicacy and are sometimes used in sushi.
  1. History

    • In the 1880s, several cotton plantations in the southern United States were purchased and turned into quail hunting plantations. The quail hunting plantations were mostly found in Texas, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia. Since these plantations, quails have been raised for recreation and food because they can provide a substantial source of income. Some people prefer quail eggs over chicken eggs, and pickled quail eggs are popular in some areas.


    • Quails are medium-sized birds that eat seeds, insects and other small prey. Although they nest on the ground, they do have the ability to fly. Some species can only fly for a short period of time, but the Japanese and Common Quail are capable of longer flights and are considered migratory birds. They lay eggs in a nest and the Japanese Quail (coturnix quail) is often kept by people for egg production. As with many birds, males are more colorful than females.


    • Quails are small in size and the average height of a mail button quail is 4.5 inches. Females are usually a little taller and fuller. If you are keeping these birds as pets, each quail should be given at least a 20 x 14 x 12-inch cage for shelter.


    • The following are the most common species of quail: Bobwhite (Colinus virginanus), Chinese Painted (Button) Quail (Coturnix (Excalifactoria) chinensis), Coturnix (Japanese or Pharaoh) Quail, Gambel's Quail (C. gambelii), Mearn's Quail (Cytonyx montezuma), Mountain Quail (Oreortyx pictus), Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata), and California Valley Quail (C. califormica). If you are a first time breeder, Bobwhites are easy to care for. In 1931, the California Valley Quail become California's state bird. This bird has colorful plumage and a melodious call.


    • In order to breed or keep a quail as a pet, much care needs to go into this bird. For example, Japanese quails need fed three times every day and they also require strong lighting to keep them warm. If you want this type of quail to breed, you need to leave a light on during the night to stimulate their egg laying. It's also important to provide them with a balanced diet of protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.