Things You'll Need
- Bird Cages
- Bird Food
- Bird Food/water Bowls
- Bird Perches
Read a bird book, flip through a few bird magazines, or search some bird Web sites to become familiar with the many breeds and their temperaments.
Consider your needs. Do you like peace and quiet, or would you enjoy hours of daily birdsong? Do you have allergies? Do you like to keep all the windows open? How much time do you have to devote to your bird?
Talk to bird experts at reputable pet stores, where birds are not overcrowded, underfed or living in dirty cages.
Find out if the store has a health guarantee and what the terms are.
Examine the birds carefully when making your purchase. Look for any sick birds, which are easy to spot when they're surrounded by healthy birds. Avoid those that have runny eyes and beaks, ruffled feathers, bald patches, or droopy wings.
Find an avian veterinarian for the best health care for your new bird.