* Coyotes: Coyotes are natural predators of turkeys. They are fast, agile, and can easily catch a turkey.
* Bobcats: Bobcats are another natural predator of turkeys. They are stealthy and can easily stalk a turkey.
* Foxes: Foxes are opportunistic predators that will eat turkeys if they have the opportunity.
* Raccoons: Raccoons are also opportunistic predators that will eat turkeys if they have the opportunity.
* Owls: Owls are natural predators of turkeys. They are silent flyers and can easily catch a turkey at night.
* Hawks: Hawks are natural predators of turkeys. They are powerful flyers and can easily catch a turkey in the air.
* Eagles: Eagles are natural predators of turkeys. They are the largest birds of prey in North America and can easily catch a turkey.
* Snakes: Snakes are natural predators of turkey eggs. They will eat turkey eggs if they find them.
* Bears: Bears are opportunistic predators that will eat turkeys if they have the opportunity.
* Wolves: Wolves are natural predators of turkeys. They are fast and agile and can easily catch a turkey.